Your post, Alba, reminds me of the time I answered the phone in our school staff room some time after the school had closed. It was the mother of one of the girls in my class, wanting to know why she'd not yet arrived home.
I asked around a few colleagues and found that she'd be kept in detention for half an hour by the Head of English but that
(a) she would have had had a note to take home about it in advance and ;
(b) she'd left school some time before and should have been home by now.
I explained this to her mother, who launched into a tirade about how dangerous it was for her 15yo daughter to have to walk about half a mile home at 3.30pm, rather than catch the school bus at 3pm. (That was despite me knowing that her daughter walked home from the youth club on the school premises at 10pm every night).
I politely said that I'd pass this on to her English teacher, so that (if a similar situation arose again) he could apply an alternative sanction, such as setting extra homework. I then received another tirade about the amount of homework that the daughter was already getting and that she definitely should never be given any more.
Without any further prompting from me, the mother then yelled out all her reasons why her daughter should never be punished in any way at all (including mentioning caning, which had been abolished years before anyway).
I wasn't allowed to get any more words in myself, however, before her mother screamed one final sentence at me and slammed the phone down. That final sentence? "There's NO DISCIPLINE in schools these days!"