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Literary Quiz(Childline)

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poodledoo | 15:04 Sat 01st Jan 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
105) When you have 8 points in your pockets
10)A d i e u
24)Colt shooter has a flow of energy before the rally
18) Bertomet
30) De***d or Dis***tle
82) Tellerium is spotted in them.......its very annoying
Answer is a book title, author, or character from a story.


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30 man
10 The Long Goodbye
Question Author
thank you douglas 9401. Believe it or not I have managed to fit an answer to alexanderds reply too !
105 The Red and the Black
18 The Cat in the Hat
30 = The Invisible Man?
82 The Tempest (te in them + pest)
Question Author
thank you highcryer & mamyalynne.
Bertomet = The Cat in the Hat - BER(TOM)ET

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Literary Quiz(Childline)

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