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I Can’t Wait ....

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Bobbisox1 | 20:41 Sun 31st May 2020 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
Excited much, going to M&S at 9 tomorrow ( over 70s )
It doesn’t get much better than this :0)))’


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Rain Check? are you in America Barry.
The term is used here also.
I'll not be going out but I hope everyone who does, whether through necessity or for the pleasure it stays safe and well - enjoy.
Just because you are advised that you can go out does not mean that you have to. I'll be giving it another 4 weeks at least. I shop at supermarket on Saturday at 7.15am like I have done for the past 3/4 years and if I forget anything then we do without. I'm saving a fortune not going out every couple of days.
^^^ My last supermarket shopping trip was to Morrison's just over 6 weeks ago, BD. I top up a few essentials, such as milk, occasionally in a local corner shop, usually just after they open at 5am, so that I don't encounter many crowds.

I reckon that I've still got enough cans and frozen stuff to see me through another few weeks before I'll need to go to a major supermarket again (and then I'll try to go when it's really quiet - there were only about half a dozen other customers in Morrison's when I last shopped there).

That doesn't mean that I'm not going out at all though. I gave in and joined the crowds on Clacton seafront on Bank Holiday Monday ;-)
I gave in and joined the crowds on Clacton seafront on Bank Holiday Monday ;-)

I knew you were a mod at heart, Chris ;-)
Can't think of one thing that would get me into a shop in the next few days. Nothing that urgent that wouldn't wait a month. Personally think it has been done too early. If there happened to be a second spike then the government would have a hell of a job getting people back into lockdown. Glad to know that you are well stocked up Chris. Take care.
. . . and stylish with it, Tony ;-)
Good lad.
In my area today everyone seems to be carrying on in the 'old normal' way. I myself went out of the recommended travel zone today. There is some advantages to traveling by train, you have 4 seats to yourself.

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