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Glpblondie | 11:07 Wed 23rd Aug 2006 | Travel
3 Answers
In 1995 i travelled to the US with my sister and mum, when we left the country our green cards were not processed properley through fault of their own (we had no idea about this). We have returned to the US 3 times since and are pulled into immigration each time as our passports say we haven't officially left the country and it has meant that we have missed connecting flights. Does anybody have any idea who i would need to contact either here or the US to resolve this problem?


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might be worth contacting the US embassy in London outlining the problems youv'e had.
My green card wasn't taken off me when I left New York last December. I didn't realise to start with but when I did I contacted US Immigration (via the US Embassy). I then had to send my green card along with a letter from my employer confirming I was back in this country along with my boarding pass and a copy of my passport to a US Immigration address in Kentucky. I have to keep a copy of all the documentation I sent to them in case I have a problem next time I try to enter the US. They don't apparently acknowledge correspondence nor write to you to confirm that everything is in order hence having to keep copies to show immigration next time in case it hasn't been smoothed over. So yes, your first step is contacting the US Embassy who give you a phone number for US Immigration who will give you the address to send all your stuff to.
Don't use the words green card when contacting the US authorities - you will confuse them as green card is US immigration speak for work permit. Visa waiver stub or I94W stub will be understoood better.

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