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Trump Or Biden?

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Theland | 10:26 Fri 05th Jun 2020 | Politics
55 Answers
I hope Trump wins the election in November in spite of his bad press.
Biden, the alternative, would not only be a disaster for the USA, but for the whole of the western democracies as well.
What do you think Trumps chances are?


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Biden has lost it mentally. And I genuinely don't mean that as an insult. Dementia is a terrible disease.
02:05 Sat 06th Jun 2020
// I think Trump will win if he can stop talking so undiplomatically. //

He's doomed then :o
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I still think Biden is no match.
Only time will tell. I can't say I'm too optimistic

Hypothetical question, though. Given what Trump has said about postal voting, what are the chances that he won't accept defeat? It would be an unprecedented situation in a major democracy for the incumbent to refuse to step down and honour the process. Hopefully it's just noise, part of the games Trump plays (he was similarly vague about what his response to defeat would be in 2016).
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I can't guess the answer.
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I doubt if Biden will stand up to Trump in the inevitable one to one TV debate.
Is Biden the chosen Democrat candidate? Heard nothing about primaries since the lockdown.
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Yes Sanders withdrew.
He's the presumptive nominee, but I don't think it will be confirmed until August.

Anyone who saw Biden's speech on Floyd would see that suggesting he has dementia is clearly wrong. Even if you disagreed with it, it was manifestly coherent.
Sanders (and all the other entrants) stopped campaigning, but technically anyone who entered could still win if the delegates decided to change their votes. Barring some major disaster, though, this won't happen.
Trump doesn't just speak 'undiplomatically'; he also fabricates statements almost continously.

All politicians get caught out making false or misleading statements occasionally but the Washington Post has recorded 19,128 such statements from Donald Trump from the time he came to office up until 10 days ago. That's got to be some sort of a record!

He also seems to be ridiculously anti-China (as, indeed, does Theland). The truth is that massive Chinese investment in third world countries, particularly in Africa, continues to strengthen and stabilise the economies of those countries, leading to higher employment rates, less poverty less hunger and better health care. At the same time the USA's protectionist measures strike at those same countries, making it hard for them to trade with the rest of the world and their slowing growth and development.

China isn't without its problems but it's a FAR greater force for good in the world than the USA is. Westen nations should be seeking to build far stronger links with China, rather than following the isolationist policies favoured by Trump.

Despite all that though, I still wish that the Democrats had found a stronger contenter to take on Trump in the presidential election. Bernie Sanders would have probably appeared stronger to the electorate but, alas, (at a year older than Joe Biden) I feel that age was against him. Andrew Yang would have been my own favoured candidate.
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Trump is right to be anti China but as Jim pointed out yesterday he’s anti China in a way that actually helps China. You might say the same about his attitude to Iran.

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