Trump doesn't just speak 'undiplomatically'; he also fabricates statements almost continously.
All politicians get caught out making false or misleading statements occasionally but the Washington Post has recorded 19,128 such statements from Donald Trump from the time he came to office up until 10 days ago. That's got to be some sort of a record!
He also seems to be ridiculously anti-China (as, indeed, does Theland). The truth is that massive Chinese investment in third world countries, particularly in Africa, continues to strengthen and stabilise the economies of those countries, leading to higher employment rates, less poverty less hunger and better health care. At the same time the USA's protectionist measures strike at those same countries, making it hard for them to trade with the rest of the world and their slowing growth and development.
China isn't without its problems but it's a FAR greater force for good in the world than the USA is. Westen nations should be seeking to build far stronger links with China, rather than following the isolationist policies favoured by Trump.
Despite all that though, I still wish that the Democrats had found a stronger contenter to take on Trump in the presidential election. Bernie Sanders would have probably appeared stronger to the electorate but, alas, (at a year older than Joe Biden) I feel that age was against him. Andrew Yang would have been my own favoured candidate.