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Thanks To Naomi24.

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SparklyKid | 09:42 Mon 08th Jun 2020 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
I still play on line cribbage every day. I have now got the measure of Bill.


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Thanks Sparklykid. How very nice of you to mention it. It's nice to know it's useful. Bill is a slippery character ... but by no means unbeatable. :o)
09:57 Mon 08th Jun 2020
I can't remember if it was one of the games listed along the top or on their menu of games, but the next time I tried to find it it had disappeared.
Fortunately I had saved it to favourites.
I have played 1517 games during lockdown of which I have won 55%.
I could have written a novel in that time...
Perhaps 'Tete merde' might be acceptable.
Do you think posting the link to it might work?
I thought of that Naomi but I tried it once and I think it came up with my details on it.
What happens if you copy just the link to the game and paste it into google?
Thank you for posting this Sparkly, I’ve saved it this time :-)
Except it's not 'tetemerde'...
Got it Shoota. Well done. I'll have a go at that later.
Shoota, I think I'm getting the hang of that game. It's taken several goes - but I've now beaten Bill a couple of times. Thanks for mentioning it. I like it!
If possible, always keep a low number, 5 or under, or a 10 in your hand because he will hang on to a 5 until just before he goes on to the face up cards.
It's another good excuse not to do anything :-)
I have been playing rummy and whist, and mike is a bit of a card shark in 3 person rummy. Yahtzee is good, and clock patience
I haven't tried the Rummy, puzzled - but I will.

Shoota, I was missing chances by failing to discard multiple cards of the same number and by misplaying the 2s, 5s and 10s. I'm getting a bit better.
Have you discovered that 4 of the same number in a row burns the pile? That can be useful.
Yes, I’ve cottoned on to that one, shoota. Also I’ve tried swapping the ‘special’ cards - 2s, 5s, 10s - from my hand with low ranking cards on the left. With the ‘pile’ of undealt cards spent before a player is able to use that left-hand assortment, those special cards present an opportunity to be able to ‘go’…. if that makes sense. Have you tried it?
I'm more a rummy man, but I still play the card games frequently, so I'd like to echo Sparkly's thanks to Naomi for pointing the site out to us all.
Yes, Aces and Kings or 'clever' cards if available. Also quite handy to have two or three of a kind face up if possible so you can zip through them quickly.
I'm having to ration the amount of time I'm spending on it... :-)
I still get the impression that the turnover card is often loaded in Bill's favour when playing Crib. For instance, the number of times he will hold 2 x 4 and 2 x 6 and a 5 turns over!!! However, I find it much easier to beat him at Yahtzee. This is probably because he is a tad too quick to discard a poss small/large straight if he 'sees' 2 x 6. Loves his sixes does Bill :-)
Thanks for this. I’ve been playing Hearts.

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