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pastafreak | 13:56 Wed 10th Jun 2020 | ChatterBank
12 Answers seems to have been renamed. It's now postimage.* I used it yesterday...then noticed the logo change.
* all lowercase


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Thank you so much for that information pasta. I used to prefer that site and was used to it. Since its absence I registered with imgbb and appear to have mastered it but I will try the new renamed site. Much appreciated.
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Great retro x I prefer it also...its so easy to use.
I have a satirical and political lampoon to post. I may use the new site and test the waters. :-)
I've been using postimage since tinypic closed, I think; I didn't know it used to be anything else. It works fine.

It doesn't matter whether it's upper or lower case, you'll still get there. NB that it's, not com or co etc
also, you can search for it as singular, and you'll get plural.
I use photopost now, which, I think, was first recommended by buenchico. That seems to work well.
Thanks for that, Pastafreak, it's so straightforward.
How is your cat doing Luca?
Does one C&P the top line in the box after uploading your image from file or wherever please?
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I don't know if it works on AB, but I copy the "hotlink for forums" option when I'm on another forum...the photo appears, not a link. If not that, use "direct link".
Thanks Pasta. Must write my password down for that account as well while I think of it and delete it from my inbox.

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