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Little Britain

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royfromaus | 23:38 Tue 09th Jun 2020 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
I often wondered how Williams and Lucas got away with some of their characters.
Seems time has caught up with them.


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I always thought that Matt Lucus got away with it because he himself is an ethnic minority. Same as Sasha Baron Cohen with his Ali G character. In any case, luckily I have the DVDs of Little Britain and Come Fly With Me and will continue to enjoy them.
17:54 Wed 10th Jun 2020
They "got away" with it at the time because the humour was based on the outrageousness of the sketches. It still is. It was fine then, and is still fine now. At least to folk who understand humour and have a sense of it. Those offended by nothing can't be accounted for. But some fools are still trying to pander to them.
I can't see why the whole series' were pulled. The Mighty Boosh blackface was one episode, which they could easily have dropped, and Papa Lazarou in League of Gentlemen isn't isn't supposed to represent a black man, he's a sideshow freak in very obvious black makeup.
// Why not? It's called acting !
Could only people with a hunch back play Quasimodo?//

time to wheel out my fave
A film about Marie Antoinette was abandoned as they could find no actress to act out the final scene

[Peter Pan - shortage of child actors who can fly]
no chance of Black and White Minstrel show replays to fill the gaps?
Matt Lucas is white English.
The point with Baron Cohen's Ali G was he was supposed to be a white character who was pretending to be black to be cool.
OG I didn't find them funny then and still don't. Not because of the blackface but because they weren't funny.
I find Wnfield as funny as toothache, but I'll defend him here. He wasn't using the word as an insult, but as a reference to the stagename of music hall comedian G H Elliott. Context is important, or next we'd be getting Subterranean Homesick Blues banned for referencing a "coonskin hat".

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