Had an email off Halifax, offering a balance and money transfer both at 4.9% pa for 48 months 0% fee. Is this a normal 0% balance transfer. I’ve normally paid a 2 or 4% fee depending length of term.
Hi Mal
people who swap cards to cards are called 'rate tarts'
the money for the banks apparently is when 'rate tarts' are late by a day or two and incur the heavier charges ....
I am an acct holder of Halifax and not a great fan
phone lines unhelpful - hello boys and girls seem to be on commission and finally any problems wivda Halifax is definitely YOUR problem and not Halifax's
clearly if any were better ( and they are not ) I wde change
So I would be charged 4.9% sometime in the term, different to the normal 0% balance transfer where I’d only be charged the card rate for defaulting on the T&C ie not paying minimum amount each month, not paying off the the balance transfer in the agreed term. 6 months 18 months for example.
You will be charged 4.9%APR interest on the money you owe. So if you borrow £1000 and repay £50 a month you will take 22 months it and repay £1046.
That is assuming you don't use the card after the initial £1000
Bob, it's fine to just pay the minimum amount. Then you are just charged 4.9 percent interest. If however you miss a payment or don't follow all terms the interest rate shoots up to normal card levels.