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"We Mustn't Censor The Past"

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Canary42 | 12:31 Fri 12th Jun 2020 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
"We mustn't censor the past" says bumbling incompetent U-Turner who not long ago was telling us to "move on" from a more recent event.

Hypocrite !



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Glad I'm not the only one.
Cummings censored the past in rewriting his blog retroactively, didn't he?
I asked Gromit to post the relevant Tweets from Boris on another thread...logically, I expected to see those tweets on that thread.
I thought we were talking about Boris?
Yes, Jno, he did but we were told to move on by his 'boss'.
Surely that was a rewrite, or even enhancement, rather than a censorship.
To be honest I had no idea that the Cummings saga was going to make it into the annals of our history.

Obviously a story on par with the slave trade.
What's wrong with statues to slave traders and our imperial past, when the end result is the best country in the world to be a black person?
The wealth was usually also used philanthropically, and we can't judge the past by today's standards of morality.
Blacks should be more concerned with black on black murders and black gang culture.
Yes racism is a fact and should always be challenged, but not ever letting the tail wag the dog.
Agree Theland.
I have just written something,in length, along those lines in the 'fire in his belly' OP
Looking now.
I'm still puzzled how Gromit is on the right thread.

This is the right thread. I don’t see any attack on Khan or what he has done.//

What has Khan got to do with this thread?
cross-word parse

"no censor-oonie" - Boris [noli regere damnatio memoriae, puto]
"bumbling incompetent U-Turner "- - Boris again U turn over skools for one - ports today - should have been boris the bonker then I would have known.
"more recent event" - Dominic Cummings - of course - never let that one go

god it is like a roman a clef - anthony powells dance to the music of time

I heard Boris' speech and I thought it was sensible and could be followed by most listeners ( clearly I am wrong but I frequently am). = protesters have a poitn to make
but that doesmt mean breaking the law
or damaging property
// What has Khan got to do with this thread?//

he is the one that boarded up the cenotaph - or his dad did
in contrast to Darzet aaaaarh - where the public have prevented disorder and damage - using only a smock and rake

You ignorant proles do know that it ( the cenotaph that is!) started off as wood in 1919 innit? I bet not. stone one wasnt ready oops until 1922
Retro will know chapter and verse

I posted Johnson’s tweets in reply to Canary42.
Unbeknown to me you asked me on the other thread to post Johnson’s posts.

Sorry for any confusion, it was not deliberate.
I'm going to have a grandad nap (I can legally have one now.)

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