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The End Of The Week Thread

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Bobbisox1 | 15:41 Fri 12th Jun 2020 | ChatterBank
57 Answers
What's for dinner...tea where I am from?
Hope there's no more heartache for lcg
what you up to this weekend??

Bangers and mash and veg and gravy here (no onions, slimy critters)
have to see what the weather is like, it's poured down all day


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I think I'll be putting bream on my next order.
In fact...I think I was considering it on the last one.
We’ve just had cold chicken, oven chips and home made coleslaw. A glass of voignier to start with..not impressed.
Tomorrow we have a delivery of things for our little grandson which we hope he’ll be able to use in the not too far distant future. Also tomorrow will make some cocktails to partake in the afternoon in the summerhouse, a godsend as rain, rain and more rain is forecast tomorrow. Probably won’t get doggie out due to him hating rain...
An excellent idea, Pasta.

Just make sure that you don't overcook it. If you'll be buying fillets (rather than whole fish), just 10 to 12 minutes in foil in the centre of a medium oven is long enough.

If you'll be pan-frying fillets, just a couple of minutes on each side is all they need.

Whole fish obviously take a bit longer (check the BBC Good Food website for recipes) but it's still important not to overcook the fish.
Dad, (RIP 20 years), loved fish and often fried it, dipped in flour.
One day could not figure out why the fish in the pan looked grey, until the brother in law called in and pointed out he had covered the fish in Polyfilla.
Chicken, salad and baked potato.
I've often heard people saying "Well, that'll fill a hole" when scoffing their grub, Theland, but your father seemed to be taking things a bit too far ;-)
We had corned beef hash. Mr BM didn't like it.

I'm exhausted cos I was still up at 6am. Due to supporting a friend thru a difficult time . I'm shattered.
".....he had covered the fish in Polyfilla. "

I'm sure it filled a hole all the same.
Time to open a bottle (or should that be another bottle?), methinks, Barmaid ;-)
^^^ Snap, Douglas!
I think I shall go to bed, Chris. Well once I've found ASBO.
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BM, you really must be a friend indeed
Just open a packet of Dreamies, Barmaid, and I'm sure ASBO will turn up!

Sleep well.
Pasta, I have a large-ish chunk of bream in the freezer, which I will roast when I get around to it (sorted this weekend). Barmaid, I have a great recipe for corned-beef hash, did you sprinkle with Worcester sauce?
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A good Northumberland recipe called Panhaggerty
Chris why don't you do a click and collect at Morrisons. It's so safe. You can browse everything the store stocks.
So easy to do, so easy to spend a fortune too.
^^^ I seem to be able to spend a fortune however I shop, Caran! My 'few little essentials' in my local corner shop came to £76 yesterday!

I might get to Morrison's anyway fairly soon though. The last time I shopped there (just an hour before they closed), there were only about 6 customers in the store anyway. With the exception of the checkout assistant, I didn't get closer than FIVE metres to anyone else at at all, so I didn't really have any problems with social distancing!

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