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Old Graffiti Revisited

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Canary42 | 20:30 Tue 16th Jun 2020 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
This article reminds me of what was written on schoolboy toilet walls in my youth, namely

It's no good standing on the seat
The crabs in here can jump three feet


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Here I sit broken hearted, paid a penny and only f*****.
some come here to sit and think
some come here to *** and stink
but I come here to scratch my balls
and read the writing on the walls
Our aim is to keep these urinals clean
Your aim would be appreciated
Plus, my personal favourite, written in the most inaccessible roof corner in small script: "School record, 13 December 1956"
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///Your aim would be appreciated///

Reminds me of a pic I took in Manchester several years ago at the Football Museum's Gents.
You ain't come here to laugh and scoff
Have your sh....and then f... off.

Remember that written on a toilet cubicle in Marylebone Magistrates Court back in the 70s.
There were plenty more,mainly giving advice to police officers. :-)
One of my favourites which i saw many years ago on a toilet wall in Ambleside. I hate grils. Dont you mean girls?. Whats the matter with us grils then
Above the toilet roll holder in a cubicle at Hatfield College, Durham:

Sociology degrees, please take one.
Please don't throw your dog-ends in the urinal. It makes them soggy and hard to light.
I1=∫1/(cabin)d(cabin) = log cabin+c
...or something like that.

and a drawing of 2 cubes with the words "Balls by Picasso".
Canary, you still sometimes see Victorian toilets with a bee on them.
In the 1980s Nigel Rees did a series of books of collections of graffiti.
Don't understand that, jno.
I once sneaked into the girls loo at school and saw the following;

'Check out that Ken4155. What a Stud-muffin!'

Alright. I admit it. I didn't see it. I wrote it.
Jackdaw - something to aim at. I've seen them on fairly modern ones too, not just Victorian.
Jackdaw, the Latin for bee is apis. I presume it was for classical scholars to aim at.

Just to be clear, I’m not joking, you really will see them in old stately homes.
// Stud-muffin //

Is an American slang term. Probably from the 1990s. It only caught on in the UK about mid 2000s when social media took off.

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