I've no idea what my area is like, I don't enjoy shopping at the best of times. I am sure many shops will close but I think that will leave openings for new businesses with fresh ideas. It won't be long before things are back to the old normal, not the new normal. You only have to look at the huge queues outside Primark, Ikea, Greggs to see that people want to shop and spend money. Shopping seems to be one of the biggest leisure activities in the UK and that is not going to change.
Don't forget a lot of people have saved money during lockdown. The unwaged have not had a drop in income and even those furloughed may have come out on top with no travel costs, no daily coffees and meals during working hours, no hairdresser and similar, no childminders/nursery fees, no dry cleaning, no eating out, no trips to the pub and other social activities, no holidays.
I do think a lot of high end shops and businesses will suffer. They rely on foreign tourists, especially the Chinese, for their income. I've been getting a lot of emails from Barkers shoes advertising seemingly non-stop sales. I know they sell most of their shoes to Chinese and Japanese tourists. Hopefully their profit margins are high enough to get them through.