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It's Armed Forces Day ....

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Baldric | 01:12 Sat 27th Jun 2020 | ChatterBank
51 Answers
.... and as a 20 years served former RM, I would just like to say an enormous thank you to everyone who supported us during various operations and exercises Worldwide, both Military and Civilian, thank you all, we couldn't have done it without you, you're the best.


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I send thanks to all who served......always have, always will.

However, *this* thread was a 'thanks' to all of us for supporting [i]them]i].

No lack of respect shown and wandering off topic a little in CB is to be expected.
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No, Bobbi, not at all. Just the sniping seems disrespectful on a thread intended to commemorate.
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Armed forces day is also about the families of the men and women who serve us and our Nations in the UK. The families who sometimes spend years worrying and missing a relative and loved one. Every sly and disrespectful post is a slur on them.
May I also add my thanks and deep respect to all those military personnel, who serve, and have served our country.
I only hope we can make a country and society that is deserving of such service.
back on track Baldric
I dont think the thread should be removed
as it shows disrespect to the dead
( oh the war memorial has been defaced - answer - well take it down and cement over and problem solved)

so thank you to you and others who served in the forces and in the Falklands - some of whom I knew personally and others

their post campaign course may NOT have been straightforward.
Sunday - a bit dia de los muertos - but what the hell, men died
er yes Baldric you have a point - the turkish detour is a bit like cracking Ken dodd one liners at the Cenotaph

and from the usual suspects - let us have a thought for those who are alive and serve,
such as
They went with songs to the battle, they were young.
Straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow.

L Binyon
ChatterBank is a place where it's okay to go off-topic, but you would think people would be more respectful given the subject.
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Thank you Spare Ed.

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It's Armed Forces Day ....

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