I used to think that wasn't sexual for girls to show half of their breasts but showing their nipples and all of their breasts was. Then i found out that wikipedia tells cleveage is sexual.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cleavage_(breasts) Some have asked if i want to draw sexual and naked humans but i don't, that is why i asked this but the answers is bad and not all about my question and more sexual then my question. I won't read them all and probably won't choose a best answer. I don't know why a risky question that's harder to understand get very many bad answers which is worse then any of my other questions answers. If you are going to give a answer that makes the person think i shouldn't have asked the question don't give it. I asked this becuase it's pretty common for girls to show their breasts not becuase of sexual reasons and i want to know if it's less sexual for girls to not show their breast. I will think that it isn't sexual for girls to show their breasts becuase the answers isn't clear and bad. I probably won't read more answers but i ask again whitout everything else i written and i want a yes or no.
Is it sexual for girls to show parts of their breasts if they don't show their nipples?