I'd be amazed if you can get any joy out of them, JB9. I suspect that they're con merchants.
However if you're prepared to pay for the cost of a phone call to the USA, their number (theoretically at least) is 00 1 833 342 4713 and they claim to be there from 2pm to midnight UK time.
If as you suspect they are con merchants beuonchico
Should they still be advertising on here?
Anyway I have emailed them and no way am I going to phone them,
Thanks for your input,and I hope that your health improves.
The ads on AB are sourced from other companies. i.e. there are firms who accept advertising material from lots of different businesses and who then pay AB to have their ads displayed here.
So the people at AB towers have very little control over much of the advertising that appears on this site. While most of it is probably legitimate, I've seen several recurring ads for products and services that I regard as 'dodgy'. So, as always in life, it's a case a 'caveat emptor'.
you might be lucky, jordy. Companies may not be scammers but still have difficulty fulfilling orders on time, especially if they've been overwhelmed during lockdown.
If you really think you've been scammed by an ad on AB, let the Ed know. AB won't arrange their own ads, but the Ed almost certainly has retained the right to ban any if necessary.