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Ok I Went To The Pub, Oh Dear!

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ToraToraTora | 17:09 Sat 04th Jul 2020 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
Given the charade I endured, only for 1 pint, in the interests of research, I conclude that it cannot be economically viable for them to open. It was a useful experiment of course but I fear that unless they get back to normal they are never going to be able to take enough dosh to cover their expenses. In the place I often go, for example, I'll be surprised if they took 10% of what they would take on a normal Saturday, they had more staff and managed, between them to discourage customers on a massive scale. It would be more profitable to stay closed. My chauffeur and I will, until they come to their senses be drinking in our usual establishment, ie my back yard!


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Will be a long, long time before we are anywhere near back to 'normal'. Probably after a vaccine is found.
// A medal to you TTT for being the vanguard in the battle for normality. (Nearly said Normandy!)//
normalcy is a good word

[calvin coolidge used it - hey they are pulling down statues of his great predecessor, wilson - as a slogan after the (lockdown) conditions of the Great War. Probably attraction (linguistic attraction that is!) to emergency which was used to describe Great war conditions]
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that was rita wasn't it PP, all time high??
The pub opposite my house was busy with people queuing. There was a man on the door with a big visor and clipboard. We'll have to see if it’s viable.
I think many may have gone just for the novelty value and will not be returning on a regular basis under the present restrictions.
We went for one in the pub (Devon/Cornwall border) We all piled in there, sanitised our hands and carried on as normal. A cracking night was had by all.
yes - my neighbour went to the beer garden - it's at the bottom of our street - he came back very happy. Do think he enjoyed it all.
Well, we didn't really have one. The pub was full all night and long may it continue.

I’ve just had some entertainment from the pub across the road. Two couples arguing about something that had happened during the evening. I kept watching in case someone got hurt. (Not that I’m nosey or anything) They eventually hugged and went their separate ways. Phew. Peace is restored.
I'd probably be better at TTT's pub than 237SJ's. I had to stop going 30 years ago as my hearing was packing up but it sounds as though I might be able to hear conversation in a proper social-distancing establishment.
After going to the beer store today, I dropped in at my local pub to talk to the bar-tender and ask how things were. In Ontario, only bars with out-door patios can open, and this bar does have a out-door patio, but it's up a steep flight of stairs so it's not for me. They can only have 20 customers at a time and are open from 2pm til 2am. I don't see how that situation is economically practical One thing in the owner's favour is that they own the building so don't have to pay rent, but is it worth it?
My friends went out this evening but I was working.
Similar feedback from them, it was naff.
Had a fantastic afternoon and early evening at the rugby club - great to catch-up with mates face to face.

Members only, so T&T is simple, in one door, order at the bar, where they’ve installed perspex screens, contactless payment, out another door. Choice of then staying in the large function room or going outside.

Very slick, very swift, and prices unaltered.
A strange situation isn’t it.
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which club is that DD?
Decided to continue frequenting the back yard before yesterday. My sympathy with business owners but circumstances dictate things simply aren't normal yet so there's no incentive to go out unnecessarily.
I drove past our local Wetherspoons, and it looked really busy. I bet it paid them to open.
It is indeed eleanor.
TTT - Sidcup.

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