News12 mins ago
It's Not Easy
62 Answers
got my C-19 testing kit in the post, you have to book a courier and you cant do the test till youv'e done that, only you have to do this online, you can't get on the site and when you do, the code they give you isn't recognised
why are things so difficult ?
why are things so difficult ?
It's a shame there doesn't appear to be a T Cell test. Apparently if you've had a non-covid19 virus such as a common cold you develop T Cell immunity which could offer some protection against covid.
https:/ /medica lxpress .com/ne ws/2020 -06-imm unity-c ovid-hi gher-sh own.htm l
I wish there was a trusted antibody test because OH and I were both ill in January just before Covid was recognised or being looked for. OH had all the Covid symptoms and ended up being sent to A and E because he developed a nasty rash. We were there for 7 hrs. Full of people coughing and ill. He was diagnosed with having a virus which had attacked his immunity and discharged. Since then they have recognised a rash like this as a Covid symptom.