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Why Do Mosquito Repellents Repel Mosquitos

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sandyRoe | 14:11 Fri 24th Jul 2020 | ChatterBank
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In many cases it's unexplained but in its simplest terms it's usually something in the smeall or taste that they dislike.
* smell
i only know that the little b******ds, like my blood, having been bitten multiple times when in Greece.
ooh, I'd like to go to Greece with you, emmie, I can always do with a decoy.
Probably the same way as me eating food with garlic in repels 'er indoors.
they all have basically DEET
di-ethyl-toluamide - whack two benzenes together and twiddle a bit
and this is said to block the mozzies' sense of smell

I thought it made them go "ugh next please!"

dont mozzies have fruddly bits over their eyes ( really cute on cartoon crickets ) and this is what they sense or fail to sense with ? - I also thought they had infra red sensors somewhere good for identifying the tasty veins
Don't know. What I do know is that they didn't bother me until I hit the menopause.
Mozzies seem to love me and I happen to be allergic to DEET.

I remember the first time I tested Jungle Formula on my arm and within 10 seconds I broke out in giant hives.

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