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Strangest Thing

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Bazile | 20:14 Wed 12th Aug 2020 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
People gathering on our street looking bemused at this strange substance falling from the sky unto the ground


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Oh no, is it snowing?
Question Author
No it's pi&&&ng down

Oh , can you hear the thunder and see the lightning from where you are ?
I can, it's right overhead here.
Can you send it down to the SW please?
I can hear the rain and the thunder and see the lightning, I didn't even need to disguise any words either. :-)
I would if I could, jo.

It's called weather, it happens, good or bad.
Question Author
//Can you send it down to the SW please?//

Do you deserve any down there in the SW , jo?
Yes. It’s very hot.
Cool now here up North , lovely
SE too please nicely :-)
Question Author
Ok jo I've dispatched a couple of water scoopers .

You may want to go and stand outside in your swim suit
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jakep , at this rate I'm going to have to start charging
Yes! It's raining here. Gently. Certainly not the deluge the soil may need.
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Saves me having to get the hose pipe out tomorrow
still hot and dry here. The longest ever heatwave in London, 34 degrees for six straight days.
Still no rain in Norfolk. Evething is dried up,including me! I hate this heat so much. Roll on autumn.
Just had some interesting lightning. Sheet and forked, but no thunder. And no rain.
In South West also, love a storm, love the lightning...but sooo hot & humid now for days, bring on the rain!

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