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How Long Is Polite.

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bednobs | 19:04 Wed 12th Aug 2020 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Just getting a takeaway coffee for my husband. Apparently it's ok to say I'm drinking it in and then leave. But how long is polite considering its half price drink in but fill price take out?


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Guessing you can't take it away as it will be served in a proper porcelain cup if you say you are drinking it in, not a paper one. You could be really mean and take your own mug.
insist on paying full price? Then take it home.
Something I have never done in my life is buy as takeaway coffee.
How much is a coffee from these coffee shops anyhow?
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Since covid they do not serve them in mugs anymore. Price depends on shop and order half caffeine extra shot soy milk cappuccino with marshmallow or whatever is probably more than a big standard coffee. Anyway it turns out 90 seconds is ok!
Yep, I’d reckon 90 seconds is about right. Does the coffee place really care anyway, once you’ve bought the drink?
I love the smell of coffee but not the taste.
I really like my morning wake up coffee but the thought of coffee, of any description but particularly cold, any later, is a huge NO NO!
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Me too. I like coffee icecream though
Bleurggghh..coffe sweets, ice cream, anything other than my morning wakey wakey one is just horrid!
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In Mark's they sell a coffee bar. It looks and feels like chocolate but it's made of whizzed up coffee beans and sugar
Oh...that sounds interesting.
Does it have a name?
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latte coffee kick bar
The smell or taste of coffee in any form just makes me heave.

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