Greetings, all! Determined to crack this "inky" one by Smurf! I'm stuck on the following and am seeking HINTS only. Thanks in advance!
41 Procrastinates, goes to pot – cast out heavenly orbit ( 10 ): P?S??S???? (PASTYSMILE? )
43 Awarded draw taking catch with runs levelled ( 8 ): ???E????
1 Tiring places for those making a change (13, two wds): ?R???I???O?M? ( TRAINING ROOMS?)
11 Suggesting changing poles, putting before Scottish court (9): ???P?NI??
12 One hurt a rowdy badly? The opposite ( 13, 3 words ): ???E?W???O???
13 Friends, sick at heart, find implements for smoking (8): ???I???S
43. In many sports competitions, the players are .... a word meaning 'ranked'. Inside that, add a usual 'catch' and a usual 'runs'. You'll have a word meaning 'levelled'.
Good day, Neveracrossword, I've been mulling over your hints and must confess that I'm still lost with 11D, 12D, 13D. I'm not satisfied with my own findings. One more nudge, please! Thanks in advance!
11D - what is the word for "suggesting"?
13D- what is the 5-letter word for "friends"?
12D - 12 One hurt a rowdy badly? The opposite (13, three wds):
???E?W???O??D ( THREE WHO LOVED ? )
Matakari, sorry my hints didn't help you much!
12 - The definition is 'The opposite', something that is the ???E? W??
?O??D. The anagram is the words at the start of the clue.
11. The word for 'suggesting' is only one letter different from the answer, so that'd be a very big hint! It's 'suggesting' as in 'putting forward a motion'.
Got it now! Thanks, Neveracrossword! On to the unclueds...Am I right in thinking that the "undisclosed quality" is in 36D (BALL?) which is associated with the unclueds?
Thanks, Matakari. 36 D is like all the other unclued entries, the 'inky' part could precede it. I didn't really understand your question, the way you phrased it - sorry!