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Homeless And Hotels

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nailit | 18:15 Fri 21st Aug 2020 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Does anyone know if the homeless are still been put up in hotels due to Covid?


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I don't know but I imagine that if they can still find rooms for illegal immigrants I can't see why not.
I'm unsure how long the measures that were put in place are due to last.

Someone at Shelter may know.
Government funding for the 'Everyone In' scheme came to an end on 30 June. However, about a week prior to that, a further sum of £105m was allocated to aid homeless people find their own accommodation

Local authorities have been encouraged by the Government to continue to support those who were placed into hotels under 'Everyone In' but not directly funded to do so. Therefore provision is patchy across different local authority areas.
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Reason why Im asking, is there is sleeping bags again scattered over doorways across my city.
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And people asking me again if Ive got any spare change?

Got all the time in the world for genuine people but most just take the urine.
I understand that people have addictions that they are desperatly trying to quench and will happily help if they are are trying to address their problems. I dont mind buying a can of cider for a p*** head if they are in a programme to help themselvs.

Just wondered if putting them into a hotel room is/was good practice.

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How have the hotels fared out of this?
Heard nothing about this?
Cleaning bills etc?
it was to stop them spreading the virus i was told,no one allowed at at one point unless necessary
Snowballs son who is homeless was put in a hotel this week
Building cheap shelters with sleeping bags on the floor, a communal shower, toilet and washing machine would be a cheaper safer option.
Certainly a good idea, sheltering people from the elements. It may be, of course, that some of those lodged in hotels are going out during the day to do a spot of begging. Who knows?
If Nightingale hospitals can be thrown up in weeks, a simple fabricated shelter could be up and running in days, one in every town and city.
I cannot argue with that, Theland.
Not all homeless want to go into shelters as we all know.
All the homeless here were housed and I think still had the support workers on the premises. Not sure if they are still housed. I've seen a few begging, but not many...yet.

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