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bad girls

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babscartland | 21:10 Thu 24th Aug 2006 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers
Is it right that itv has axed bad girls? love that programme,hope my friend is winding me up? anyone know? Bring back jim fenner thats wot i say!


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ITV don't really have a lot of successes to their credit these last few years, so I can't see them axing it. I don't know for sure, but they'd be silly if they did. Mind you, having said that, ITV do DO silly things every now and then.
ITV are ALWAYS messing up,ALWAYS!!!
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think me mate was winding me up,i,ll get her back and tell her that dennis is coming back to eastenders and that he didnt actually die,that will stir her up!
Whoops - Stop Press.

Watching it now, and during the break flicked thru teletext. According to page 131, there is a grain of truth in it. Apparently, it doesn't get the ratings it wants now.
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Oh no! i love bad girls,sylivia and the costa cons no more,oh bummer.
Thrown into the basement bin along with
Londons burning
Steel river blues
Shortland street
And everything else that ITV have axed,!!!
I read in the sun that because of poor rateings bad girls is going to be axed. Every time they give us a good program they end up axing it only to leave us with rubbish

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