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Overlaps By Caper

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valerie1 | 19:55 Mon 07th Sep 2020 | Crosswords
5 Answers
Please help - Overlaps by Caper

Big tall boy is male beast on farm (7)

Small place to cook chicken teeth tarts (11)



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1 Billy goat - if (9) ...ig tall boy ....
20:11 Mon 07th Sep 2020
2 Kitchenette - anagram
.... well nearly an anagram - one too many letters.
What's the significance of your title Valerie? Is this a (themed) crossword or a quiz?
Ahh, think I have it; anagrams of a series of letters in the clue, not necessarily whole words?
1 Billy goat - if (9) ...ig tall boy ....

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Overlaps By Caper

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