I have just noticed that I cannot put a post on Answerbank from either my phone or tablet,but can from my desktop.Never happened before,anyone any suggestions as why this might be,?
On my phone I sometimes can't even log in as an advert appears over the password box (I have auto log autofill in but sometimes i have to sign in).
And sometimes an advert appears over the type question/answer box on my phone.
I had something to stop the ads but every so often it seems to get deactivated
So what happens if you try to post when using these devices?
Are you saying that you're unable to see the 'answer now' box, or is it that you are able to see it but the device doesn't allow you to click in it and type?
Just found out the problem I put an emoji on the post I put a moment ago it wouldn't go.Removed the emoji...and bingo...it went ok.
You learn something every day.!!!!!