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allenlondon | 08:08 Tue 15th Sep 2020 | ChatterBank
42 Answers
A week or two back I made a feeble attempt at satire in a post about the New 2nd Cousin rule in social distancing.

Just heard on the Today programme that grouse shooting parties have been made exempt from new social distancing regulations.

This is not satire, although it might be described as a joke.

Re-arrange this into a well-known saying.

One rich for law the, poor another for the.


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I am surprised you can hear any whoosh noises, your head is so buried in the sand.
08:50 Tue 15th Sep 2020
Total waste - you cant eat them as the fragile bones shatter.

Mind you missing the shot when eating Grouse is an art in itself.

Nothing like a well hung bird though.
Gromit, //Playing football for profit is OK
Playing football for leisure is a fineable offence.//

I don’t believe that’s true. Where did it come from?

//Other physical activities that can be done in groups of more than six include team sports such as rugby and football, as well as sailing, angling and polo.//

Not a word about ‘professional’ anything there^

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