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allenlondon | 12:27 Wed 16th Sep 2020 | ChatterBank
7 Answers

Plastics from pea starch. This really could change the world. Rather than flushing microplastics into the oceans that end up killing marine life, with this development we would be flushing edible proteins away instead.

Really good news!


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This needs to be shouted from the rooftops! Brilliant work by the Institute.
14:55 Wed 16th Sep 2020
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That's great, Allen - was that the same story that was on the BBC news at 1 o/clock?


Yes, that's right.
Not really surprising, peas and fish go well together.
Good news.

There's some great innovations coming through this past few years.

This needs to be shouted from the rooftops!
Brilliant work by the Institute.
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Agreed, Tilly. Microplastics are a deadly curse, a plague, almost unseen, but killing life.

Apparently some birds have now been found with lungs and intestinal tracts contaminated with the type of microplastics emitted from domestic washing machines.

Looks fantastic. Hopefully this will get off the ground soon as we are already swimming in millions of tonnes of plastic.
Will they make Mushy Plastic for us tut northern folk?

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