Silk THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for so many donations. People like YOU saved my husbands life. Many times!
Blood cancer patients need transfusing. A LOT. They also may need a stemcell Or bone marrow transplant .
Donating stem cells is A similar Process to (but not the same as) Donating blood. But they take blood out of one arm, filter out the stem cells n then put the blood back into your other arm.
It is different register to that of organ donation or blood donation and I BEG you all to join. People can reG up to age 51.
For many with blood cancer a stemcell transplant is there ONLY hope. Chemo alone won’t work. Only 30% find a match in their own family, others - like my husband - have to find one on the WORLD WIDE data base. For my husband if he relapses He has ONE (yup one!) match in entire world (an anonymous person in Germany). Others are luckier n have a few matches but others still not so lucky and have no matches.
It’s free to reg and they post you a cheek swab kit, then you go on standby to save a life: