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Rule Of Six

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nailit | 17:25 Fri 25th Sep 2020 | ChatterBank
62 Answers
Can anyone explain to me the rationale behind the rule of 6?
I honestly dont get it whichever way I look at it? I know its a contentious issue but im flummoxed by it.
I can use public transport, go to work, go to supermarkets,etc. I can spend my working day with (more than 6) work colleagues but if i have them over at a private residence after work then Im breaking a 'rule'?
A kid can spend her day at school with hundreds of other kids but if she has a few friends over afterwards, she will be breaking the rules?
More than 6 friends/students/workers/family members can get on the same bus...along with many more...but cannot meet at home?

Im baffled by the logic.


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has anynoe said?
you behave differently with 6 people in the office than you do with 6 at home

just as you do in a pub at 10 pm is different to behaviour at 6pm

I am baffled as to why people dont see this -

there was even an advert where the girl at 6 pm before going out smears dirt and vomit down her dress
coz that wd be how she wd look at 12 mignight

and the voice over says - you dont do this at 6 pm so why do it at midnight
er showing that behaviour was place and time sensitive

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