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Antifa And The Ku Klux Klan Are Terrorist Organisations.

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royfromaus | 21:07 Fri 25th Sep 2020 | News
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"Lynching should be a hate crime." First degree murder will suffice, ta very bigly.
// "well you have to agree on a definition"
who, in this thread said that PP ? //

well if you dont agree on a definition then you have a "discussion" like this thread !

[ if you dont have a common definition then the following is meaningful
a. Look ! it is raining outside
b no it isnt ] [ coz it all depends on what you mean by rain ]
we dont have degrees of murder in england
ta ta Ken
"Oh god I have lost the will to live"

or to jockyulearereallly give an hone-est answer... May bee haarbits of utter pisters ore affleckting ye.... heee(educated) heee
It's a smart move by whoever in the Trump team thought of it. They've obviously done the numbers and decided that they'll gain more votes by condemning both of these in the same way than by doing anything else.
"President Trump on Friday made a direct appeal to Black voters with a slew of targeted policy pledges if he's reelected in November, including making Juneteenth a federal holiday and prosecuting the Ku Klux Klan as a terrorist organization. "

No bribes to see here folks... Move along
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So what is the news story and is there a link?
Question Author
The news story is in the link ya pudding.
Apologies for my imbecility I’m sure but when I asked before, you didn’t reply other than “yes”
Normally the link goes with the question
Question Author
Sometimes I like to get opinions without a link influencing that opinion.

I also like to see how well contributors follow the thread.
The answer is “no” plainly going by the link :-)
I’d have checked anyway as I don’t like guessing these things!
birdie1971 >"And you think that making the KKK (a Democrat creation) into an official terrorist organisation is some sort of bribe...? Wow. TDS is strong with this one."

I see your proclivity for context* trimming is strong still birdie, you omitted "with a slew of targeted policy pledges" from my actual quote.
I do apologise for enabling you to jump to the wrong conclusion about my opinion of Trump - which I never expressed - but I was referring to the Link which royfromaus had eventually posted with the headline:

"Trump unveiling $500B plan to boost black communities and classify KKK and antifa as terrorist organizations"

That is a monetary bribe and a social-action bribe Politicians are so prone.
Promises, are easy to make, especially in the run up to elections... "yes we can"(a Democrat creation)... oops, cancelled due to "Technical Difficulties".
I hope that clarifies the 'context'.


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