The creatures outside looked from johnson to lucas, and from lucas to johnson, and from johnson to lucas again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.
That is Johnson I’m afraid. Be it Brexit deals or Covid 19 rules, he’s not and never has been a details person.
But it seems he’s not the only one. The hapless Education junior minister wheeled out on the radio this morning in default of Mr Williamson presumably, was just as bad.
We’re doing what we as a family feel is the right thing to do, regardless of what the ‘advice’ is.
We try to follow it, as far as we understand it, and we are rule and advice followers generally, but if we’re in any doubt or confusion then we do what we believe to be right.
And we don’t stress over it.
I’m sure that is absolutely the right thing to do.
That’s why the encouraging of a sneak culture is so reprehensible, as it emphasises following rules to the letter. If the government only want egregious violations reported they should make that very clear