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Japanese Desserts

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friedgreentomato | 08:40 Tue 15th Jan 2013 | Food & Drink
11 Answers
I know the japanese don't really do desserts, but I am going to a Japanese evening and I am supposed to be bring a dessert, I have had a quick google and green tea icecream or melon salad seems to be the most popular.

Does anyone know where I can get green tea powder before saturday?

Does anyone have another Japanese dessert I can make?

Cheers all.


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Lemon and ginger jelly with a bit of booze, served in shot glasses? Doubt it's Japanese, but it'll have an oriental feel to it.
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A local Japanese restaurant here does dessert sushi made with sticky coconut rice and fresh fruit and they also do fruit spring rolls although I would have thought that was more Chinese!
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Thanks ladies much appreciated.
By chance I have been researching Japanese cuisine for a client, that client writing a book of some sort involving a trip to the Japanese mountains above Tokyo, yo Okutama - actually very pretty up there.

Your are correct in your supposition, fgt. Tea ice cream and red bean paste being the closest they come. I attach a page of other options for you.

An alternative is to make a layered chocolate cake and then take care in decorating it - for example slice it and reassemble, each slice wrapped in some gold coloured paper and then adding some little decorations as well - gold leaf is perhaps going too far but in Japanese dept stores, you will find beautifully presented slices/cakes going for up to £30 per slice!

As to the green tea, does Waitrose have any green tea matcha, otherwise you could use a concentrate of green tea teabags, say with about four, tasting to see if it is strong enough.....I would say reduced to about three or four tablespoons worth to add yo your cream mix.

the other thing that you could do is bang three of four tea bags inside your food processor and grind it down to being powdery-dust like, thereby making your own matcha.
Do you remove the actual bag of the tea-bag first?
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Cheers DT will make the concentrate I think and go that way
Well, Japan is the birthplace of sushi, so, I’d have to say sushi is the best food in Japan. Prepared with vinegared rice and fresh fish and made in different ways and shapes, it’s deliciousness has captured the taste buds of people all over the globe.
Another Japanese dish that is quite popular is Tempura. Made of battered and fried fish, seafood, or vegetables, the attention to detail paid by the cooks while preparing this dish is meticulous and brilliant.

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