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jennyjoan | 12:21 Thu 01st Oct 2020 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
if I asked this before but would anybody know if DVD can be changed to a video tape.



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Barry do you know of anywhere I could get this done.
Is the dvd copyrighted?
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dont think it would be as it is my niece's wedding from last year. She sent the DVDs it was for sister but she doesn't have a DVD player nor does she want one.
I don't know anyone that would do. You need to take your dvd player to your sisters, connect it up and record it on her video player. That's the cheapest and easiest way.
Question Author
i don't have a DVD player either so just thought there was a company that could do it. thanks anyway
You can get a DVD player for about £20 from Argos.
call some of the video-dvd transfer people and see if they do it in reverse
Yes, it's ironic but a DVD player is probably cheaper than getting the DVD converted to a tape.
Of no help whatsoever but I have only recently got rid of a machine which converts between VHS tapes, DVD or the machine's own hard drive (any one to any other). It was very useful when I was converting all my VHS tapes to DVD but I don't use even those any more.
Many computers will play DVDs; have you tried?
A Google found this company in Belfast
maybe email them for prices
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thanks - have rung them but they're gone - I will ring them tomorrow and let you know what happens.
Question Author
well, just got a call from that company Paul - no he can't do it.
Just buy a DVD player, they're not that expensive.

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