Just been to petrol station and simply must ask all the ladies on here to satisfy my curiosity. Pulled into local filling station of eight pumps all busy and stopped at entrance because lady returning to her car after having paid I presume .......... didn`t bother about blocking entrance as leaving her room to get out for the few seconds it would take. ...........Boy was I wrong. I then realised her actual movements went . Stop on way back to car to get keys out of handbag.1 min Check the filler cap back on ........................ .............. 1 min Open door whilst huffing and puffing......................... 1 min Have chat to (female) passenger............................ 2 min Put seat belt on............................................................. 1 min Check Mirror ............................................................... 1 min Go into handbag to get glasses.......................... 2 min Reassure passenger (female) ............................. 1 min Proceed to exit slowly .......................................... 1 min Eventually the way was clear for me to get to pump, during which time I noticed that the price of petrol had gone up twice!. So ladies why does it take so long?
You get this is supermarkets too! They spend ten minutes in the checkout queue, watch while every item is scanned, wait to be asked to pay, THEN, start scrabbling about looking for their purses! Like, maybe they thought that this time, it would all be free...
im a laydee and I think you are both very funny! LOL.
Its bank holiday weekend- where are you rushing to??!!
Women have so much on their minds such as...
Housework, Children, What you men might like for tea, Work etc Is it any wonder we walk around in a day dream most of the time? I'd love to a be a bloke for a day- you lot have it soooooo easy!!
To be fair, monkeemayhem, the most stupid thing I ever saw on a garage forecourt was done by a bloke. He filled the car, paid, got in, drove forward. I started to pull forward to line up with the pump, when he suddenly stopped dead. He'd forgotten to put on his driving gloves!
It,s not only a female thing but what irritates me are the people who don't seem to realise that the fuel filler hose can easily extend over to the opposite side [furthest away from the pump].
And at the tills why don't they have a separate one for people who just want to pay for fuel without standing in what at times feels like a supermarket checkout queue?
It is not only at petrol pumps. When you are in a car park and someone gets into their car, you indicate that you are going into that space when they come out and you sit there for ages while they sort themselves out. And I might add, it is not only women who do this.
Why do suits with Beemers and Mercs always play pocket billiards whilst filling up. It's like they are only able to use one hand at a time on the nozzle, so the other one has to stimulate their ego. You watch, next time you see a suit!
I'm a lady and this thing really annoys me too - same goes for my local Tesco filling station, I use the fast pay lane, where I can pay at the pump, I get my card ready when i'm waiting in the queue and then the person in front (whos used the fast pay lane) goes into the shop bit and pays over the counter - really annoys me - especailly when theres another 8 pumps for them to use and pay at the counter. Arggghhhh.
If only people were more considerate of others!
foxy, you were doing well there until you mentioned you pay by card ;)
I have no idea why women (in general) standing in a queue can't get their money ready while their waiting. Do they think they might not have to pay? And why they have to use plastic for everything.....?