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Help In English Please

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fatema | 14:31 Sun 27th Sep 2020 | Jobs & Education
4 Answers
Hello! I hope everyone is fine. I want to write an email to university, and I want to ask my Enrollment Status which i applied for German university. Can someone correct me? Thank you in Advance,

Dear Sir/madam,

It has been more than two weeks I have applied for pre-enrollment and my application status is still pending, I would like to know how much time it will take? I had applied for German Language course as well and they required my Matriculation number for course enrollment, and without matriculation number i can't attend this course. I would be grateful if I could know the how much time this process will take.

Thank you!


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Dear Sir / Madam,

It has been more than two weeks since I applied for pre-enrolment and my application status is still pending. I applied for a German language course as well and they required my matriculation number for course enrolment, without which I cannot attend this course. I would be grateful to know the how much longer this process will take.

Your sincerely,

Jim, you've made a mistake on your penultimate line. Just so Fatema realises OK.
Remove "the" from between "know" and "how".
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