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Trump Again .

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gulliver1 | 13:01 Thu 08th Oct 2020 | ChatterBank
58 Answers
Trump now claims he is Immune from Covid , but refuses to take part in the next virtual debate with Biden . Is Trump Frit ,as Thatcher would have said.


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Careful, Naomi. That's how conspiracy theories begin. :-(
Joe Biden has been in politics for decades. He isn’t going to stand down now if he finally gets to the White House :-)
> Has Trump made the quickest covid recovery ever, like no one else can . Super Trump

First spotted in 2016:

We'll see.
I agree it either be great if a black woman got to the White House but i think eg Kamala Harris would prefer to do it by winning an election. Vice Presidents who rise to the presidency don’t necessarily prosper. Ask LBJ or Gerald Ford
I thought Michelle Obama or maybe Oprah Winfrey would be the first black female president ...
Admittedly Johnson won his election but he had the sympathy vote ;-) Amd he wasn’t helped by a war.
I suppose if they bumped Biden off :-)
They ate probably
They are probably planning it now I meant to say :-)
In the CIA
Trump needs to be careful.
He does give the impression of being in some sort of powerful drug at the moment. He plainly is having breathing issues tho.
I genuinely wish him no ill
That doctor of his who was doing the news conferences would not be out of place in Beijing, Minsk or the Kremlin :-)
Ich, I didn’t say it would be great - simply that, bearing in mind Biden will be 81 at the next election, I think it a distinct possibility.
I think Mr Trump is putting a brave face on it. When I saw him speaking on television he certainly seemed to be having breathing problems.
Naomi; "We'll see." Or not. Biden has to win the Presidency first.
Ken, I know.
[email protected] I'm glad you're able to understand my statement, unlike me with your's.
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Trump knows he's losing and he's panicking.
// [email protected] I'm glad you're able to understand my statement, unlike me with your's.//

oh its a gloss from a character in ITMA ( you lucky lucky people!) called Mona Lott ... a bit before your time. And if it isnt - it was all such a long time ago ....

Does anyone else think Trump is still positive and excreting - and is steroid crazy ?
(dont worry if you dont understand the q - just answer yes or no)
// When I saw him speaking on television he certainly seemed to be having breathing problems.//

can you imagine him 'running the country' like that? along with heavy make up the hacks added. heaven help all of us

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Trump Again .

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