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Rainbow Quiz 'Hints'

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mightymouse | 13:50 Sun 18th Oct 2020 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
14. American yacht company in the Devon area. (4)
23. Fall down and hit the deck. (3, 3, 4)

I think 14 could be a small projectile.
23 I believe has two meanings for getting down AND getting up.


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14 Two abbreviations - one for 'company', one for the area where Devon is. The former goes inside the latter.
Question Author
Thank you Neveracrossword, I have thought of the flat bottomed boat, but where does the 'American' fit in?
14 Check how the Americans use the word.

23 You believe correctly.
The answer is an American yacht, it's also the name of a flat-bottomed boat. I've just checked Chambers, those are the definitions.
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I meant to put 23. as Fall down and get up, but ended up suggesting an answer instead. Any other thoughts?
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I agree, thank you both, I see it now.
23 yes, you have given the answer above.

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Rainbow Quiz 'Hints'

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