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Mags22 | 10:57 Sat 24th Oct 2020 | Home & Garden
7 Answers
What can I add to peppermint oil to spray where spiders lurk?


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Conkers, horse chestnut scents and a large book.
Where Spiders Lurk, the failed sequel to Where Eagles Dare.
Lol @Douglas

Seriously though, I'm not sure there is much you can do to deter them from entering the house.
I don't spray them, spiders are useful. I really am terrified of them but I try to regard webs as mini-eco-systems. Eventually I get someone else to catch them and put them outside again!
I use Midax Spider Ex on my CCTV cameras. Fabulous stuff
// I don't spray them, spiders are useful.//

yes I used to think that until they started biting my legs when I was asleep. All they are useful for is making webs and catching the odd fly - that's what fly spray and a vacuum cleaner does best.

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