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Getting Rid Of Chemicals

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bednobs | 12:35 Sun 08th Nov 2020 | Home & Garden
2 Answers
I had a leak under my kitchen sink yesterday. As part of the clean-up i realised i had loads of "stuff" that i'd probably had since before a was married and had just moved every house with us. Plant leaf polish, leather sofa cleaner, shoe polish, floor cleaner, carpet cleaner (haven't had carpets since 3 houses ago), nikwax , spirits of salts and so on and so on.
i want to get rid of the unnecessary stuff, but how? Do i pour it down the drain? down the sink (which is now fixed), chuck full bottles in the bin, or what?


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Putting them into the sewerage system is a definite no-no. I take stuff like that to my local household recycling centre.
Oh don't. Not the drain. A friend of mine did that, poured it down the drain and looked in to see a poor toad she had just soaked in bleach gazing up at her. She's never forgotten it.

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Getting Rid Of Chemicals

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