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Problems With Living In A Digital World

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bednobs | 10:42 Wed 11th Nov 2020 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Hi, my work uses MS Teams as the communication method of choice for those of us WFH.
By what is the past participle for that? You can easily say "XXX skyped me earlier" and it sounds ok, but what can you use for teams? "XXX teamed me"? teamsed me? Gave me a teams call?
Nothing sounds right.
You could say called me I suppose, but it doesn't quite capture the teams experience!


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So in earlier days, when ships at sea communicated by lamps in morse code, the signaller would report to the Captain,"Sir, a sailor on HMS Ark Royal just flashed me . . . . . ." !
12:46 Wed 11th Nov 2020
I know same here! We just stick to saying we called on or met on Teams. If anyone has better suggestions I'd be interested too :)
I think I would use "Called", unless you think it's important to differentiate between using Teams and phone call.
Perhaps the Teams experience was meant to run free then.
We had MS Team Call meeting
Bad choice of name for their product :-)

Although I have never been "skyped" and never want to be tbh. I have zoomed a few times though, which sounds much better
welll if you did it twice you could say you'd been double teamed :)
typical MS, they should have thought of a snappy one worder that could have had "ed" appended!
I have used 'Skyped' for years - we Skyped on Friday. Teamsed is the equivalent
Doesnt Teams use the Skype engine anyway (Skype for Business that is).
Why the need to use the product name anyway. If video just say video call, if VOIP say conf call and if a message just say messaged or pinged me? Thats how I have seen it addressed at quite a few companies where people got fed up of the underlying product being changed all the time.
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I suppose it was just an idle thought. I don't need to say it all that often really I supposed but wondered if there was a snappy one word verb I could use. We also have skype, but that is used for a different thing, so can't really say skyped when I mean on teams
So in earlier days, when ships at sea communicated by lamps in morse code, the signaller would report to the Captain,"Sir, a sailor on HMS Ark Royal just flashed me . . . . . ." !
Problems With Living In A Digital World

It's ruined the concept of postal chess.
We have also just switched to MS Teams at work although we still have Skype. It's made everyone's laptops becoming awfully slow and clunky and has added a minimum of 5 minutes to the start-up process. I think I'd go for had a teams call/meeting/message.
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thanks. it doesn't seem to have affected ours - are u using web or app?
The app

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