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weecalf | 17:17 Thu 12th Nov 2020 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Coming up to festive time .Covid rampant ,winter weather on the way .Some kind soul just tried to improve my lot there with bogus Royal Mail email telling me they had tried to deliver a letter from inland revenue but were unable to So could I press link and arrange for new delivery time .Aye sure tell us about it .


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So you don't want your tax refund ?
It's being so cheerful must keep you going. :-)
Do you forget each year that winter happens?
Scammers abound all year round - we have a topic for warnings now Weecalf.
I don't answer calls to my mobile from numbers I don't recognise, figure they'll leave a voicemail if it's important. At least twice a day someone tries to call me from Sheffield and I always wonder what scam it could be. That's an interesting one weecalf!
Don't be silly!

The email is clearly GENUINE!

HMRC have obviously found out about the vast amount of money that you'll be receiving from taking up that 100% safe investment opportunity that the Nigerian prince offered you and they want their cut. (I know that you'll soon seeing that money from the prince, by the way. It will arrive straight after you've paid the £5k administration fee required to release the funds, I feel sure).
>>> At least twice a day someone tries to call me from Sheffield . . .

It will be either Sheffield United or Sheffield Wednesday calling, wanting to sign you up for their team.

With the way that they've both been playing lately, anyone is better than the players that they've got at the moment ;-)

Twice a day from Sheffield?

Probably Serco Track & Trace wishing you a merry christmas.
May I nominate Mamyalynne for the AB poetry prize?
Scammers abound all year round certainly works for me.
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