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The Crown 4

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Khandro | 11:00 Sun 15th Nov 2020 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Going out on Netfix today. I haven't seen it but it appears it is going to be controversial;
is it fair to fictionalize the private lives of real people?


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flix !
Tut Tut Khandro
so pedantic !
Most of it will be based on readily known 'facts', I suppose.
I've watched all 3 seasons to date and find much of it to be based on actual events, with each episode dealing with a 'notable' event during the Queen's reign. Of course there will be some dramatic licence involved. Otherwise it would just be another documentary on 'The Firm'.
Many real life events and stories have been dramatised where those portrayed are still living.
not to answer your Q but wasn't it good :) I am up to episode 4. You can really believe the people playing the characters are really them (except HBC I think) I ddi prefer Claire foy, but OC is ok!
I haven't watched the first 3 but my OH has and started watching 4 over the weekend. I got straight into it.
the first two series are outstanding Ummmm
I might start from the beginning then. I've seen bits and bobs of it.
Yes, I enjoyed the first two. I think the cast were more believable. I can't get into this lot very much.
Those responsible for the casting deserve a huge pat on the back. Most of the main characters are almost spot on - except HBC who looks as if she still thinks she's playing the Red Queen. Just watched episode 6 and will most likely watch at least another 2 episodes tonight.
I'm up to episode 9 of series 4. Binged it yesterday and will finish off later. It's good and I found out things that I'd never known before like the Queen Mother's side of the family.
That became fairly common knowledge, Tigger. I've just watched 7 and 8 and i must admit, i've changed my mind a tad about HBC as i thought she put in a good shift in episode 7. Will no doubt finish the series tomorrow evening.
It is still very good, but I don’t think the fourth series is as good as the previous 3.
Seems more preachy and political than before. Perhaps it is because they are now doing a period I know and lived through. The Thatcher stuff is very over the top, and Gillian Anderson turns the dial up to 11 in her portrayal of the Prime Minister.

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