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Jacket On Corrie

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tezmand | 15:00 Tue 03rd Nov 2020 | Film, Media & TV
19 Answers
Anyone know where the pink n black fur jacket that Emma wears is from ?


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Hi there: Hope that helps!
22:53 Wed 04th Nov 2020
Loads of stuff comes up if you google it, hadn’t realised she wore so much pink stuff.
The Props department
Just google "ladies of the night attire"...well, sounds like it to me!
Canary, not necessarily. I once saw Audrey Roberts shopping for clothes in Matalan and I don't think she would shop there for herself.
If you could find us an image of her wearing it, that would help.
Just google pink and black fur jacket loads come up. M&S and Tesco both have pink 'fur' jackets
Barsel is right, I think they can go and get what clothes their character portrays from places such as Matalan and Primark
Here's a link but it's not showing her jacket ( sorry )
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Thanks anyway
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Yes that one chinajan
Found this site - its not there, but might set you in the right direction
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Thankyou all got it thaliastar
Where did Emma on Corrie get her black and pink fur coat from
Paige_leonardddf this question was answered on Wed 4th Nov and got a BA.

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Jacket On Corrie

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