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Slightly Foxed, 12.

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Bogtrotter | 15:58 Sat 21st Nov 2020 | Crosswords
9 Answers
12a Hooker should be good at it: h?e?i?g. 23a Big Daddy's boys, Brick and Gooper, clip it to a tea: p???i?t. Presumably this relates to Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, but I can't work it out. 24d Baldwin's southern lady was sadly alone: ??o?a. I'm assuming this is James Baldwin, reads as if it's an anagram of "alone", which gives me "Enola" (which would make the third letter of23a E) - the only Enola I know of is the Enola Gay!


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12a Heeling - Hooker as in Rugby
12a heeling?
Hello Captain :-)
23 pollitt
24 Leona
24 Leona
.. and Hi to you too, Margo; hope you're well. :))
Question Author
Thanks all - I was on completely the wrong track with24d! I did think about heeling, but couldn't convince myself (I'm not into rugby).

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Slightly Foxed, 12.

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