As I have said before, the joy of being a student is having all necessitities taken care of so you can focus your planet-sized intellect on things that actually don;t matter, but because you are a teenager, they mean the absoluter world to you.
With a complete absence of lif experience, you see the world entirely in a single dimension, you know nothing of history, of grey areas, of compromises and evolutions, and how we got to here from where we were there.
That allows you the luxury of taking centuries of socio-eccomic history and reducing them to one person's behaviour, and wanting a seismic change to occur because of your view, and your view alone.
Time and experience will let youo blush at how arrogant and yet simplistic you were back then, with your 'change the world' theories based on nothing but your own over-developed sense of self-importance.
But for now, make your protest, and hopefully the adults who actually facilitate your platform to make your pointless noise, based on knowing nothing and understanding less, will ignore you, and stop allowing meaningless changes to be made to salve juvenile consciences.