I would go for it .... there is nothing to beat the nice feeling when you see that familiar postmark on the letter. You will win �50 quite regularly and possibly more of course. I have opted for any win I have to be put into new bonds, thus I am not tempted to spend it and it keeps up with inflation, however not sure if you can do this if you hold the maximum number of bonds... you probably can.
Perhaps you could invest in the premium bonds for (say) a year and review the situation. You'll still get your �30k back and should have won at least some minor prizes. You never know, the million could be yours as well.
Good luck.
If you can afford to forego the interest for a year, give it a try.
And if you can't wait for the excitement of a prizewinning envelope dropping through your letter box every month, you can go onto the NSI website on the third working day of every month, feed in your bondholder number and check whether your gamble is paying off and you've won a prize.
I would do it as you must remember that bank interest will not be that high plus you pay interest on it.Whereas Ernie is non taxable and you have the chance of winning a fortune.
Thats great that you can check it online as I am going travelling for a year! I have just bought them!! woohoo the paperwork will be through next week and I will be included in the October draw, I can't wait!