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If You Could Have One More Room

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Barsel | 14:49 Tue 24th Nov 2020 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
in your home, what would you use it for?I would like one that could house all my clothes including coats, shoes,boots bags, nightwear, underwear, all that sort of thing.It would be lovely to just walk into a room and find exactly what I want to wear that day.


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A separate dining room would be nice. But I only have a dinky little house.
Spare bedroom 8x10. First it was a computer room. Then a library wall to wall bookcases, now a studio for painting. No room to pick a cat up let alone swing it.
Gonna need a bigger house....
A proper old-fashioned walk-in pantry.
^^ My Nan had one of those. I remember it well.
I've got a proper old-fashioned walk-in pantry. I love it.
A soundproof room with padded walls.

No, not to lock away 'er indoors. Nor to carry out heinous crimes.

Just so I can go in and scream, and bounce off the walls occasionally.
I thought that was what AB was for Hoppers :o)
Actually, perhaps I could put 'er indoors in there.
Been giving this some thought, Barsel. After dismissing many reasons for Dave to build a new room what would please me most is a lovely little room in which to entertain Stephen Fry..... :-)
Ooh... a handcuff room?
Oh I know, I'd make a bar in the garden with dartboard and all the traditional stuff then invite friends around every Saturday for a Curryeoke :0) and a laugh
Not at all, Pixie.....I only want him for his mind.... ;-)
That's good too, gness :-)
Too many options. Too many hobbies etc..
Maybe a music room.
We now have too many rooms. What I would like sometimes is less rooms , but don't want to move. Their are only two of us. The cats have a room of their own and sleep on the bed in there, and the dog shares our bedroom! I use our other spare room when I want to sleep alone and the study downstairs has become a study come library come room to shove things in. OH uses the laundry come loo come shower room, so I have my own bathroom which is great. The garden room is also mainly for pets. Apart from our lounge and dining room, we have another small room which estate agents call a boot room! But we are not posh enough for a boot room. It houses another fridge/freezer lots of coat hooks and a chest of drawers. One day our son is going to have to clear out this house because I think we are here for ever. Moving would be a nightmare.
If I could have a large room I would love a swimming pool. With bifold doors that can be opened out in the summer. I would love that.
I'd like a "proper" pantry but I'd really really like to have my upstairs rooms downstairs. On day when my knee gives out its a pig using the stairs. I am very grateful to have a downstairs loo.
237SJ is getting greedy

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If You Could Have One More Room

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