As an option, you could try and fix the problem yourself. If that is an acceptable option, do you have access to another Windows computer from which you could use to prepare a Windows 10 System Startup DVD or a USB Drive / Memory Device ?
If so, you can download the Windows 10 installation files, with which you can then create a bootable DVD or USB media.
After creating the bootable Window 10 installation media you can then boot-up and will have the option to run a number of Disk / System Recovery tools which may have better chance of succeeding in repairing your disk as the repair tools should be free of any file corruption issues.
You can download the Microsoft Windows Media Creation tool from:
(See the section marked "Need to create a USB, DVD or ISO?" )
If you get that far and the bootable media appears to working ok,see the following guide or if necessary repost request for further assistance.