C B D Oil Which One Please?? in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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C B D Oil Which One Please??

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grandpajoe | 22:18 Tue 12th Feb 2019 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
For some time now I've been trying different types. cream. pills, capsules and drops but can't find one that I feel comfortable with re cost effectiveness and so on. Can anyone recommend a CBD oil that really works and is reasonably priced.
Thank you all. Chris


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Do what I do. See the local scallywags and buy a bit of green bud.
Grind a bit up and eat it with yogurt if you can't smoke it, which I can't.
It depends what it is you're using it for??
oil not best for skin.
Dunno man, but it sure makes your joints soggy, and difficult to light. Peace V
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